Don't Shy Away From the Hurt! Jesus is Present Today to Heal You
When Prophet Deborah-Anne submitted this word to Craig and I, we knew it had to go out to you. Only another prophet understands this struggle. We pray that this word brings you healing. We pray that it brings you closure.
Did you know that a key point of your training is the healing process? Once you heal, you receive the anointing to heal others. So meditate on this word. Let the anointing sink into your wounds.
You aren't alone anymore, ok? You have a support system here. Please reach out to a minister on our Community of Apostles and Prophets if you need help in applying this healing balm to your life.
Always here for you!
Craig and Colette Toach
Apostles and Spiritual Parents to the Prophets
A Word By Deborah-Anne Velthuysen
As I sought the Lord for His word today, He gave me a word for those prophets who have stepped out time and again, only to be rejected and faced backlashes for their troubles. He showed me those who had been wounded since childhood and now bear the scars of those hurts.
He showed me how the scar tissue covering your body was so thick it covered you like the links in chainmail armor. However, there were still a lot of seeping wounds under the armor, and every time the Lord started to go near the wounds you flinched away from Him in shame.
Instead of getting angry, the Lord patiently and lovingly looked at you and said,
"Where has My child gone? Why have you hidden your shame from Me? Didn't I see you in your nakedness when I formed you in your mother's womb? I stood at your side through every hurtful and difficult situation you faced. I never forsook you and don't intend to start now.
However, the hurts that you faced have caused your heart to harden and I can no longer reach you. For I have begun to expose those very hurts you have tried to cover up so I may show you how much I love you and want to bring healing, not to wound you further.
There are moments where you allow Me in, but the scars on your heart prevent Me from truly speaking to you. So, I'm placing you in these uncomfortable circumstances. I’m bringing people to place their fingers in those tender areas so that I may bring your attention to the wounds you've covered up.
Your hurts run deeper than you realize, and it is only by exposing them in this manner that you will understand how much those hurts have shaped your character and ability to hear my voice. This means your healing process cannot be on your terms or in the safety of your room.
For I must perform surgery, which requires very specific surgical tools and others to carry you through this process. Now is the time to reach out for help, My beloved. Don't despair alone or wait for the perfect time. I'm calling you to receive healing, so go and receive your healing.
I have equipped My ministers to work with Me as I take you through this process. So, trust Me in them and follow My leading through them. Take hold of their hand and cry with them. For I'm not ashamed of you or what you have faced. I merely desire to hold you and speak with you personally. Remove the veils of your heart, that I may impart My agape love to you.”
God never brings a hurt to the surface He never intends to heal. So prophet of God, do not shy away from this exposure. It may feel uncomfortable in the moment, but once the healing has come you will walk in freedom and your relationship with Jesus will become far more intimate!
P.S. As one dedicated to our NextGen Podcast channel, I don’t want you getting FOMO!
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