Journaling: How to Receive a Personal Prophetic Word Daily

Released May 15th, 2023
Toach Ministries International

God always wants to talk to you. But then, why is it so hard to hear Him sometimes?

You might wonder how some people can say with so much confidence, “The Lord told me…” But there is no secret code or spiritual height you have to attain. You can hear His voice clearly and know His will for you. 

Apostle Colette Toach teaches in her book, 8 Ways to Hear God’s Voice, God speaks in various ways. Each way has its own unique personality. Journaling is one of them.

Journaling is an effective and deeply personal way to hear God speak to you.

Journaling is not a new concept. Secular people journal to organize their thoughts. But that method of journaling involves only one person. You spend time with your thoughts and opinions. 

What is Journaling? (for the believer)

 Journaling for the believer involves 2 people. When you journal, you connect with the Lord Jesus. It’s a give-and-take. 

It’s an intimate space for you and Jesus to talk with one another.

How to Journal

Journaling is a conversation with Jesus on paper. 

There’s no right or wrong here. Journaling is a conversation you create with the Lord. So it can be different every time you journal. 

What's important is that you expect to hear from Him.

If you’re not used to expressing yourself in writing, don’t worry. Open your heart and share. Jesus will meet you where you’re at.

The first time you journal, block out some time when you won’t be disturbed. Listen to some worship music or read the Word to prepare yourself. Sit down with your device or paper and pen and start the conversation. 

Imagine you are writing an email or text message to the Lord.

 You can write:

“Dear Lord, how are you today? I am pretty good, but I’m worried about what’s going on at work. The bosses are looking for someone to blame for all the mistakes at the moment. Everyone around me is so tense. I don’t know what’s going to happen…”

You get the idea. 

Leave the “thees and thous” and spiritual terminology out. This conversation is between you and your best friend. Be yourself. Write to Jesus in the way you usually would talk.

Pour out on paper to Jesus what’s bothering you. Let Him know what you’re excited about. Ask Him lots of questions. 

Don’t hold back. This is not the place to edit yourself. Be real.

You can talk to Jesus about anything.

Take Time to Listen

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me;  he delivered me from all my fears.” Ps 34:1

After you’ve written a bit, stop. Remember, it’s a conversation. Take time to listen for what Jesus wants to say back to you. Don’t rush this part!

You might not hear anything at first. You might not hear anything at all. But don’t get discouraged. It may take a while, especially if you are new to this. 

Using the example above, you might feel He wants to reassure you. You might see a vision of a storm raging, but it doesn’t bother you.

Step out in faith and write what you sense. Write as if you are the Lord. Let Him respond to what you wrote through you!

 An example might be: 

“My child, don’t be afraid of what’s happening. This storm isn’t meant to shake you. It’s meant to reveal the treasure within you to everyone around you. I planted you as a lighthouse to guide others to me. Be prepared to receive those I send you during this time.”

Starting out, be patient with yourself. This way of hearing the Lord does take time and practice. So don’t give up. Keep going! 

The more you journal and connect to the Lord in this way, the more you'll recognize when the Lord speaks. You'll feel a flow when you write. The best thing is you'll be able to see your progress.

Remember to enjoy this process. There’s always more to know and experience in the Lord. Step out in faith to journal daily. He’ll reveal Himself in ways specific and unique to you in each journal. You’ll recognize His voice with confidence in no time! 

Is there a specific subject you’d like to know more about? Write in and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.


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