Use Your Quiet Time With Jesus to Take Control of Your Life
I never understood the term "safety blanket." I had always been a dare-devil. Unafraid and willing to try anything. Until I watched my two-year-old drag his blankie across the kitchen floor and crawl in my lap.
Woken by a bad dream. He had dragged the poor thing from his bedroom. Through the garden. Onto my lap. Cocoon himself in my arms and promptly fell asleep.
I realized three things that day:
As a Mother, My Job is to Be a Refuge for My Children, Like Jesus is for Me
I run to Jesus and ask for the wisdom to raise His child every day.
My son runs to me because He knows I love Him. He knows I will always protect him. He knows I have the answer to all His problems.
I raise my son according to the call God has placed on his life and the instruction of his heavenly Father.
You Should Always Run to Jesus. He is Your Safety Blanket.
Psalm 91 details how Jesus created a refuge for you in His arms.
In the arms of Jesus you will find a place to hide from your problems, until you are ready to face them. He will shield you from any attack of the enemy. No deception of any kind will come near you.
The more you enter this secret place, the more clear His voice will become to you.
You Will Find a Solution to Every Problem in His Arms
In the quiet of His refuge, you will be able to hear His voice clearly.
When the circumstances you are facing become too much, run to His arms for help. He will give you instruction, wisdom, and a strategy to apply. He will arm you with weapons of warfare and the faith to overcome any obstacle.
All you need to do is make time to listen.
Your heavenly Father is tender-hearted. He is in love with you and wants to give you every good gift. His only rule is that you take time to ask Him for help. Involve Him in every area of your life and develop your relationship with Him.
Take time this week to practice running to Jesus for refuge or help every day.
Set aside one hour each day
Your goal in that hour is to come to peace and get a step of wisdom for a problem you are facing that day
In that time you can praise, worship, read the word, or speak in tongues
The more you invest in this project, the easier it will be to find that refuge no matter where you are.
Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is a Next Gen Prophet with a message for her generation. Continuing the legacy of her parents, Apostles Craig and Colette Toach, she stands in the blessing of being a fourth-generation minister. She and her husband, Michael, are principals of the AMI Prophetic School. Their mandate is to raise the next generation of prophets to be team builders, warriors, and ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Sign up for your free course on prophecy and other resources: