You Already Know You’re A Prophet, But What Kind Of Prophet Are You?

You may have noticed that you do things differently than other prophets. You pray differently, you minister differently, and your heart is drawn to different things. This is great news.

A quick search in the word and you’ll see that not all prophets were the same. They had unique functions. Samual anointed kings, Deborah led troops into battle, and Ezekiel napped on his side for a year.

You have a unique anointing, mandate, and function as well. It allows you to minister to the people in your life like no one else can. Let me tell you all about it.

You’re An Ezekiel Prophet

Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the LORD. - Ezekiel 37: 4-6

God plants you in dry places to bring dead things to life!

Even on your worst day, you encourage and motivate other people. You bring joy to the hardest heart and light to the darkest mind. You have compassion that compels you to help. Even if that means you suffer with them.

Here are 3 signs that prove you’re an Ezekiel prophet and the grace you have to influence God’s people

Sign 1: Humiliation

Every time you step out you get humbled. But, somehow that humility releases the anointing.

You’re the guy who says the wrong thing in front of everyone and your mistake becomes a teaching point. You’ve always hated this but stop and realize how many people have grown from it. God uses your humility to change the culture of His people.

Turn humiliation into a weapon to destroy complacency.

Sign 2: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

People silence you, but when you act God gives you favor.

Think about the last time you tried to compliment someone, the words didn’t impact them, did it? But every time you act you see results, you make connections, and the job Get’s done. Lead the charge with your actions and soon everyone will follow.

Be the person who does what they say will do.

Sign 3: Big Heart

You don’t let people suffer alone. You take on their burdens until they overcome them.

You help people, even if it means you suffer with them. This act of love and sacrifice is not a choice. It’s the nature God gave you. People are watching and their hearts recognize God’s love in you.

Your big heart feels a lot of pain, but it rejoices with those who win their battles.

Learn More About Your Prophetic Type

If you identified with these three signs then you’re definitely an Ezekiel prophet. You’ll want to listen to this episode my Apostles, Craig and Colette Toach recorded to help you.

Click here to listen to the episode: What’s Your Prophetic Type? Ezekiel: The Evangelistic Prophet.

This is just the beginning for you! After you listen to the episode above, we’ve got two more episodes that explain your prophetic grace and mandate. I’ll let you get started!

Dalton Beckering is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. He is the ambassador of culture and is known for his wit and passion to equip the prophets of his generation with TREAT culture. Dalton and his wife, Rebekah, serve together as a powerhouse couple in the work of the ministry.

Check out This Related NextGen Prophets Podcast Episode:


How Your Suffering And Passionate Worship Positions You To Be A Miriam Prophet


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