You Didn’t Miss God - He Positioned You to Build in the Marketplace

by Prophet Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

As I sought the Lord, He gave me a clear word for His marketplace prophets who have been positioned in the systems of this world. This word is for the prophets called to the marketplace that felt like they were lost in the wilderness and wondered if they had missed God.

Today, I assure you that you haven’t missed God. Rather, you’re exactly in line with His will in this earth. The Lord showed me a vision of His marketplace prophet being hidden away in a bathhouse for a season of transformation, like Esther went through.

The prophet was led into a bathhouse that was filled with all kinds of luxury goods and different cleansing stations. As God led His prophet to each station, He stripped them of old clothes, jewelry, and even of old wounds. With each stripping, He placed on them new clothes, adornments and essential oils that seemed to transform the very nature of the prophet.

By the end of this process, I could barely recognize the prophet that stood before the mirror. Then God leaned over to them and said:

“My child, you’re beautifully and wonderfully made. However, the world needs to be reached in a certain way, and I desire to use you to reach them. I placed you in the marketplace for a purpose: to change the world's systems from the inside. For many have begun to pray and do the spiritual warfare from outside, but while the enemy is distracted, I need My marketplace prophets to go behind enemy lines and set My captives free.
To do this, I need you to reach outside your family and community. I need the world to understand the words I've put in your mouth to speak. So, I'm calling you to a time of stripping and transformation, like Esther experienced.

Esther was beautiful. However, I needed her to reach a people who weren’t her own. So, she learned to walk, talk, act, and speak in a different way. She came to represent My image according to how the people would understand My might and power. Through this shift in image and thinking she saved a nation and changed the course of another.

So, I’m reshaping you to respond to people differently and with more grace than you ever walked in before. I’ll ask you to dress differently, to learn a new language, and I’ll even ask you to change your likes and dislikes according to My will. Only then can I send you to places others cannot reach.

For you aren’t wandering a wilderness, nor have you missed Me, rather you’ve been placed to build My temple in the midst of the marketplace. My word isn’t for the Jews alone, but for all My people. So, I’m sending you out to be a light in the world and to establish My foothold in the world’s systems.

Embrace the change in mindset I’m bringing you. For many will think you’re out of covering, but rest assured, My mantle will cover you and My seal will be upon you. I’ll open doors for you, and I’ll create opportunities to connect with people. It’s through those connections and position that I’ll begin to influence the systems of this world.”

Change is coming, and you have a large part to play in that change. So, embrace the changes around you, and go through this transformation with the assurance that you’re beautifully and wonderfully made in God’s image - an image that will change the world.

Related NextGen Prophets Podcast Episode:

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is a Next Gen Prophet with a message for her generation. Continuing the legacy of her parents, Apostles Craig and Colette Toach, she stands in the blessing of being a fourth-generation minister. She and her husband, Michael, are principals of the AMI Prophetic School. Their mandate is to raise the next generation of prophets to be team builders, warriors, and ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Sign up for your free course on prophecy and other resources:


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